Abhinav Kumar Singh brings a good academic as well as professional flavour to EKADEMY. He has completed his Graduation from Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, MS from Indian Statistical Institute Bengaluru and was working as Research & Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Canada. He has 6 years of research and teaching experience. Abhinav is passionate about guiding the future generation by continuously making their base stronger at academic front. With his experience and global exposer in scientific research and education, he wants to improve and strengthen the quality of education in India from the very Grassroot level to higher education. He believes in the philosophy of “Education for all”.

Nanotechnology: A Brief Note 2024

A brief note on Nanotechnology Introduction Why is nanoscale so significant? Nanomanufacturing There are two ways to manufacture nanomaterials: A. Top-Down Approach B. Bottom-Up Approach Generations of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is divided mainly into four generations which also gives a road map for…

The Cell

The Cell – basic unit of life Robert Hooke Discovered & coined the term cell in 1665 Robert Brown Discovered Cell Nucleus in 1831 Schleiden & Schwann Presented the cell theory, that all the plants & animals are composed of…

Carbon and Its Compounds 

Chapter 4: Carbon and Its Compounds  Introduction: Two or more elements combine to form a compound. There are two types of compounds: Organic Compounds and Inorganic Compounds. Organic compounds are made up of carbon and hydrogen (generally known as hydrocarbons)…

Chemical Reaction and Equations

Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations Introduction Occurrence of a chemical reaction? Question: What helps us to determine whether a chemical reaction has taken place? Answer: Any of the following observations helps us to determine whether a chemical reaction has…

How do organisms reproduce?

Class 10 Chapter 6: How do Organisms Reproduce   Introduction Do organisms create exact copies of themselves? Different types of Reproduction Asexual Reproduction It is a mode of reproduction involving a single parent. There are different modes of asexual reproduction- Fig.1.…

Common Diseases in Humans

The disease is a condition of disturbed functioning of the body caused by infection, defective diet, heredity, environment, or deprived condition of the brain. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Health is described as the state of complete physical,…

Heredity and Evolution: Genetics

Introduction In biology, any differences between cells, individual organisms, or groups of organisms of any species either by genetic difference or by the effect of environmental factors on the expression of the genetic potential, are termed as variations. Variations may…

Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations Question: What helps us to determine whether a chemical reaction has taken place? Answer: Any of the following observations helps us to determine whether a chemical reaction has taken place: Some chemical reaction takes…

How to Excel in Mathematics: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

mathematic education
Mathematics is often seen as a daunting subject, capable of both inspiring awe and evoking fear in students. Whether you're a passionate math aficionado or someone who struggles with numbers, the journey to excel in mathematics is within your reach with the right approach and mindset. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into effective strategies and tips to not only understand math but to excel in it, breaking down the barriers that may have held you back.